Phenomenological Research on Depression Reveals Depths Beyond Diagnosis

A new study reveals reveals the limitations of current diagnostic methods and research approaches for depression.

Researchers Oskar Otto Frohn and Kristian Moltke Martiny from The Enactlab in Copenhagen argue that current methods often overlook the nuanced experiential aspects of depression, which are crucial for understanding and treating this complex experience. They propose that a phenomenological approach, which focuses on the individuals’s subjective experiences, offers a more comprehensive understanding of depression, thereby enhancing both diagnostic accuracy and therapeutic efficacy.

“Fundamental to phenomenological psychopathology is the critique of the dominating biomedical model of psychopathology and its conformity to the method of operationalism,” Frohn and Martiny write.
“The longing for objectivity and reliability seen within operationalism has led to the notion that psychopathological symptoms are explainable in biological terms, and that the field of psychopathology is therefore reducible to the field of biomedicine… Criticism of the reductionistic and objectivistic tendencies seen in operationalism indicates that a reformation in the field of psychopathology should include more nuanced understanding of psychopathological symptoms by including the subjective experience of mental disorders.”

Frohn and Martiny believe that by using qualitative and phenomenological methods to understand a phenomenon like depression, a richer and fuller understanding of depression can be found. However, Frohn and Martiny are not attempting to eliminate or negate operationalist, quantitative findings. Instead, their “overall aim is to bridge the gap between the subjective and objective approaches to psychopathology and understand mental disorders through lived experience – avoiding the risk of reductionism and oversimplification.”




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